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Writer's pictureLauren Walker

Amethyst: The Stone of Transformation and Healing

Updated: Aug 8, 2023

Amethyst is a powerful stone that has been used for centuries for healing and transformation. It is a member of the quartz family and comes in a variety of colors, including purple, lavender, and mauve. Amethyst can be found all over the world, but it is commonly mined in Brazil, Uruguay, and Madagascar. It is one of the most popular crystals and can be found in a variety of forms, including amethyst geodes, clusters, and points. Amethyst is believed to be a powerful stone that can help with transformation and healing on all levels.

Amethyst has been around for a long time, and it's not hard to see why. It bridges the gap between humans and God with its beautiful connection between spirituality-which was already prevalent in ancient cultures like those of Greece or Rome--to even earlier ones such as that found among Egyptian royalty where they wore amethysts on their heads. The ancient Greeks believed that amethyst brought calming powers to the soul. They thought it would keep you from getting drunk, so they used this crystal in their rituals and took care never allow any wine blood touch its surface for fear of ruining such beauty with stains or ugly tears.

Amethyst is most renowned for its calming and clarity-inducing properties which help in deep contemplation and in turn yielding a sense of control over life. When someone desires these qualities in their lives it can be beneficial for them to wear an amethyst stone as they will receive all that its properties offer- wisdom from childhood memories or healing wounds through meditation may just occur without even trying! Those who keep Amethysts close will find that they feel comforted, grounded or soothed in an uplifting way; it's like always having your own personal angelic spirit guide with you! Because this stone centers on emotions--especially those felt during recovery from grief/loss etc., it may be especially helpful if used appropriately by someone suffering from overwhelming negative feelings.

The journey to self-discovery is filled with many turns, some hidden secrets and other landmarks that help us on our way. Amethyst brings deep transformation for those who make space within themselves by promoting peaceful courage which allows one's true map of making itself known. For example, when we think of death, it can be a difficult thing to accept. We wonder what will happen next and how are memories going to last forever? But Amethyst reminds us that in spirituality there is also balance - you don't have solely positive thoughts without exploring the darkness as well; rather than bypassing negative emotions by thinking only good things come from spiritual awakening (which they may not), honor your sadness while holding onto wisdom found within them which helps guide future decisions.

The third eye chakra has the power to see beyond physicality. It's about opening yourself up and being willing for what comes next - whether that means stepping into spiritual enlightenment or just perceive reality more accurately! The color indigo links with this entire process because it also signifies deeper states of meditation where there is no light source observed, only darkness within each infinite darkness until we evolve past them all together as one quantum consciousness seeking peace. A lot can happen while you're tuning out everything around us: conversations fading away like echoes on an empty road; thoughts evaporating into thin air.

From the third eye, comes a sense of awareness beyond what is seen or felt. The mind's spiritual center allows one to perceive reality as it truly exists--and this perception affects how open you are for enlightenment! As Amethyst kindles that flame within us all by opening our minds so they may comprehend more than just their physical world around them; indigo becomes prominent too- marking those who seek out higher knowledge like an ancient sage would do with his eyesight. The color of indigo is associated with wisdom (gyro).

When the crown chakra is open and ready to receive, there's balance. People feel healthier because they have a deeper connection with themselves as well as those around them; their wellbeing increases greatly in this state of cosmic consciousness where messages come from beyond us or even otherworldly sources such that we are able see our place within universal forces much more clearly than before receiving these insights into what it means for living an authentic life on Earth today.

On a lighter note? Amethyst is a beautiful stone that can be used in the home to help build upon one's free flow of energy. It has strong links with yin balance, which makes it perfect for office spaces or bedrooms where you want more peace and tranquility but not necessarily negative emotions such as anger or anxiety radiating off people who might frequent these spaces who may bring bad Juju in their wake. Anywhere there are strained relationships should take advantage amethysts' calming powers!

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