ower back pain can stem from the way you sleep, exercise, walk, sit, and so much more. And when you’re dealing with the aches and, oftentimes, debilitating soreness of lower-back pain, there’s a good chance all you want to do is stay in bed. find lower back stretches you can do at home to help ease your lower back pain two to three times a week can help prevent and ease lower back pain. While not all back pain can be remedied by lower back stretches, sometimes those with lower back pain have tight hips and legs, so strengthening and loosening up these muscles can help you find relief.
How to perform lower back stretches
Stretch your lower back carefully, especially if you have an existing injury or other health concerns, and if you’re in pain, it’s best to consult your doctor.
Consider if you are flection sensitive (leaning forward creates pain) or extension sensitive (arching backward creates pain)
Aim to hold each stretch for at least 10 seconds and preferably 30 seconds or longer. The pain-relieving benefits will increase the longer you hold these stretches.
Turn on soothing music, rather than rush through the moves. Use this stretching time as a chance to relax and renew.
Don’t forget to breathe! Focusing on using your breath can help you cope with any feelings of discomfort.
Be sure to include other activities, like walking every day along, with these stretches.
Pigeon Pose
Tight hip flexors can lead to lower back pain, and one of the best ways to open up the hips is with an extended half-pigeon posture. It’s an effective mobility exercise and hip stretch. A small study of people with chronic back pain found that those who practiced yoga, including pigeon pose, for 8 weeks had a 9% reduction in their pain.
How to do pigeon pose: Starting in Downward-Facing Dog, inhale as you lift your right leg up towards the sky for Three-Legged Downward-Facing Dog. On your next exhale, bend the knee and place your right knee towards your right wrist. Lower your right shin so that it becomes parallel to the top of your mat (it may be at an angle depending on your hip flexibility, and that’s totally OK!) Gently slide your left leg back toward the end of your mat. Feel free to stay here, or you bend your arms at the top of your mat and lower your head onto the top of your hands. Stay for 7 to 10 breaths.
Relish Well-ness to the Core with our Relaxing Massage Sessions: Wellness Rituals offers effective alternative healing therapies such as Thai Yoga Massage or our Table Top Stretch Sessions. This unique healing therapy incorporates Yoga, pressure points, and reflexology, aiming to reduce body fatigue.
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